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Times of High Tension and Policy

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2020 8:28 pm
by Satelle
We are all, more or less, under some strain right now. People may be under stress and tempers are short. Some may be on the verge or in the process of emotional panic.

When dealing with others here at the FA and on Discord, please try to keep that in mind. If you find yourself conflicting with someone, consider:

1. Are they violating TOS? Is it an issue of harassment that falls under our Terms of Service ( ) or the Discord terms (found in #fa-policy )? If so, please contact me by email or in Discord. Stress is no excuse for these violations and we will deal with them.

2. If they are not violating TOS and you cannot resolve it between you, the first step is social distancing. Just stop talking with them, mute them, block them, set the channel where they are active to mute, etc. Take a step back, yourself, and take a walk away from people for a while. Take control of how much that person stresses you out.

This is still the internet, and it's entirely possible to run up against other people who really chafe you. Not everything is something the administration of the Force Academy can or will deal with for you, especially if it is not a TOS violation. In fact, you will find that the first advice we give, barring serious violations, is: Stop talking to them, take a break. We have laid out policy on what we, the admin and Aspect Leads, step in for: the rest is up to the members.

Please be mindful that everyone is under stress and not everyone will take it well all the time. Distance if you don't want to dive into it, and be a little more understanding of others when they stress out. Don't seek out disagreement with people if you see you are chafing them. Be mindful adults. I myself will often go invisible or simply not engage with people online if I am not sure my mood can be contained to things and people who deserve it. I recommend mindfulness, and be a bit more respectful of others during these trying times.